
Saturday, September 6, 2008

-1 Year Anniversary!

So I know my first real post should be about healthy food...BUT...this is way more important!

My wedding is in exactly 1 year from today!! I've been engaged since March and the time has flown by, and I can't wait for this year to fly by!

Ok back to food...I just got home from the gym where I did 40 min on the elliptical using an iTrain workout. This is my second time using this iTrain workout and its great! They are these workouts you can download to your ipod and the trainer talks you through you specific workout with accompanying music. The one I did was specifically for ellipticals or stair machines. I'd reccommend these to anyone who needs a little push when working out alone.

After the gym I hit up the Whole Foods/Starbucks combo right near the gym for a banana to put in my cereal and an iced coffee!

I crave cereal a of my favs that I had today was a combo of Kashi Go Lean Crunch Honey Almond Flax, and Kashi Autumn Wheat with a banana on top and cold skim milk...YUM!!

That's unfortunately all I have time for today...need to shower, pack, and head down to Newport, RI for the night to have a little mini bachelorette party for my friend who's getting married at the end of the month!

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Hi! I just found your blog and am catching up... but Congratulations one year in advance!

    I LOVE Kashi cereal. All cereals, really- but Kashi is the best!

  2. Hi, I just found your blog, but wanted to say hi and can't wait to read more.
