For Apartment House Thanksgiving!!! The annual big Turkey dinner I’ve been hosting with my old college roomies (+more friends), since it started Junior Year of college. I kept it going after college and was EXTRA excited this year that dinner would be in my new house, people could sit at a table, and eat off of real plates, real silverware, and even cloth napkins!
Check out last years Apartment Thanksgiving! Most of the recipes are continued this year
Items that remained the same were:
Turkey, of course, BUT this year I did decide to go with a Free Range bird from Whole Foods. It did cost a LOT more, but I felt good about buying it knowing it wasn’t living it’s life crammed in a cage.
Stuffing: this will never change, and you can see the recipe written out from last year in part 4.
celery and onion
White bread…which again we loved eating a nice soft piece of while cutting it for the stuffing.
Sauté onions and celery in butter :)
then after seasoning, mixing, baking…
Last year I did these mashed potatoes and they were a huge hit, so I couldn’t not make them.
I once again used Rosemary instead of sage because the sage is used in the green beans!
Those green beans were another repeat from last year. This recipe is so flavorful and such a welcome change from the heavy cream-laden casserole that we used to have. I mean don’t get me wrong the casserole is classic and delicious but with all the heavy dishes, this one just tastes a little fresher.
Final product with delicious Pancetta
Squash Soufflé was also repeated from last year. And once again, same as last year, I had some issues. It always tastes delicious, but there was a little separation,
I describe the recipe here. Once again no progress pics, probably because I’m usually frantically making this once the Turkey comes out of the oven.
Next up…desserts!! Then the final reveal :) For now I’ll leave you with my lovely table. I was so excited to decorate it!!! I “nicely” set it for 8 (even though when it was time to eat we squished 11 at it)
New end chairs!!!
yes I bought a bag of pinecones…I’ll have to get a close up of the centerpiece :)
What’s your FAVORITE Thanksgiving dish??