Hey there!
Just when I thought I could bounce back into the blog, mother nature had other ideas. I caught some sort of flu virus last week. I knew it wasn't just a cold because it started as more of a dry cough and then I had a slight fever. Luckily it never got higher than 99.5, and Tylenol got rid of it pretty fast. I really do try to avoid any medication during the pregnancy but sometimes the risks of not taking it could be worse. Plus Tylenol is on my "approved medications" list from my doctor's office.
So that kept me pretty much on the couch for a couple days...I didn't even leave the house from Thursday evening to Sunday! This week I felt better, but of course now I'm just dealing with a lingering cough and stuffy nose...fun. I normally have a pretty strong immune system but bring pregnant diminishes that somewhat... you know, so your body doesn't fight off the human being growing in your belly! ;)
Anyways, this has made for a very lazy couple of weeks!
Brian's been a great care taker though :) Last Friday when I was home from work, nothing we had in the house was appealing to me (but I did have an appetite!) so he made a Whole Foods run on the way home from work... I got a green juice from the juice bar, chicken soup, a slice of pizza, and gelato :) Which reminds me...we need to break out the juicer again!! Such a great way to get in lots of nutrients from veggies, especially when you might not feel like eating them.
He even went to our Bradley birthing class last Sunday by himself! I was starting to feel better but didn't want to risk getting the other pregnant ladies sick. So picture this: Me sitting on the couch able to watch the end of the Patriots game, and he was off to birthing class :) He's the best.
I got a full recap when he got home. The best news he passed along was that someone in class asked about the icky glucose drink we're supposed to take for the gestational diabetes test. Basically asking why this chemically drink was the only option especially for those of us who liked to eat REAL clean food. I haven't even drank soda since high school...needless to say I wasn't thrilled with the idea and knew my test was coming up soon!
Our instructor knew of one place that had a food alternative, so when I went for my midwife appointment this past Monday (26 weeks!), I asked! And guess what??? I don't have to drink that crap!
I don't think they just offer it up to everyone, but since I asked, my midwife happily said "yes!" They have a sheet with 2 options on it:
2 slices of bread + 8 oz. orange juice OR 1 slice bread + 8 oz. milk + 1 banana
I think I'm going to go with option 1...OJ and bread. She obviously reminded me not to go put jelly on the bread...but I can have a little butter. Toast, butter, and OJ sounds WAY better to me than a bottle of super sweet orange drink!
So for you other preggos out there... just ask! The worst they can say is no. I go for this test a week from Monday...I'm on the 2-week schedule now for my midwife appointments.
Can't believe I'm almost in my 3rd trimester!! Crazy!
So here's one of those pregnancy list updates!
How far along: 26 weeks + 6 days (27 weeks if you’re reading this on Monday!)
Weight gain: Last Monday I was up a total of 11.5lbs! Right on track to gain about 1lb/week until the end. So far I feel like I've been just gaining in the stomach area which is nice. Who knows if it will stay this way, but my midwife says that me staying active is great and that I've been gaining weight at a good rate...so yay!
Workouts: Still crossfitting 3x/week...well I haven't been in almost 2 weeks now due to my illness but hopefully I'll be back at it this week. And yes I STILL plan to write a full post all about working out during pregnancy.
Clothes: I have some maternity clothes, but I still prefer regular clothes. Well except for my maternity leggings...those are my favorite and I think I need to get a 4th pair. I really need to find some good maternity jeans though...that DON'T FALL DOWN! I have 2 pairs from the gap...1 full panel and 1 low panel and while both fit great and are comfy, once I start walking around I constantly feel like I need to pull them up. So I mostly wear my normal jeans, with an elastic through the button hole and a belly band over it.
Anyone have a good recommendation for maternity jeans??...I prefer the full panel.
Sleep: Still good! Well again, this cough isn't helping, but that's not pregnancy related. I broke down and bought a snoogle a couple weeks ago because while I felt fine sleeping I'd sometimes wake up with lower back pain. I prefer sleeping on my back so having the snoogle to lean against helps. I also haven't had to deal with the middle of the night bathroom breaks either...maybe I have a strong bladder? I do try not to drink too much water right before bed.
The Snoogle!
Stretch Marks: Nope! not yet anyways! I know for most if it happens it will happen at the very end. I am using Clarins Tonic Oil and Clarins Stretch Mark Control cream over that to help prevent! Last time I bought my oil the lady informed me this is what Angelina Jolie used... ;)
Food/Cravings: No cravings really. In fact I haven't had really any cravings this whole pregnancy! In the first trimester when I wasn't feeling as great, sometimes there would be only 1 food that sounded appealing so we'd go seek out whatever that was... but I wouldn't really call that a craving. I'm eating pretty normally, but also letting myself eat what I want and whatever sounds good. Not going crazy, but might as well enjoy this while I can.
Movement: Yes! I have an anterior placenta (meaning its right in front between my belly and baby, so I didn't really feel anything until around 21 weeks as my placenta was acting like a cushion to the baby's movement. But now I feel them all the time! Brian has even felt it a couple times. It's so crazy when they are strong enough that I can see my belly pulse!
Belly Button: Still in! I think I have a really deep belly button so I'll be curious to see if it ever turns into an outie!
Am I forgetting anything?
Here are some bump-updates!

p.s. I still feel like I look so much bigger in these photos than I do in real life haha….not sure if that’s a good thing?
I hope I don't jinx myself but this has been a really easy pregnancy for me so far! I mean the 1st trimester wasn't great, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I've heard from others. Then this 2nd trimester I feel completely fine! If it wasn't for this bump sometimes I wouldn't even know I was pregnant. I'm so grateful that I'm feeling this good and can really enjoy this time in my life :)