
Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011: The Recap

I’m basking in my last few hours of “Christmas Vacation”, although really I only had half a day off Friday and then today as my vacation.  I’m sure some of you have this whole week off…please don’t tell me ;)


I’ve figured out why I’m one of those people who likes listening to Christmas music on Nov 1.  Because usually by Dec 20 (give or take), I become a big ball of stress and can’t enjoy it and just want all my shopping and all my wrapping to be DONE!  On Nov 1, it’s the exciting anticipation of the impending holiday cheer…I’m much more “happy” about Christmas then ;)

Don’t worry, by the 24th I’m back to my excited and happy self!  And this year was no exception…stress leading to a FANTASTIC Christmas weekend with all my family!!

(my mom’s side of the family on Christmas Eve, we had to take a picture since everyone was there!  I’m down in front/right in case you’re looking) 

Let’s back track.  Friday (the 23), I had a half day at work, and as soon as I got home we headed up to NH to have Christmas with Brian’s family. 

I made some Oreo truffles (actually used TJ’s Joe Joe’s)




And some peppermint bark for good measure.


Up in NH we had the big family Yankee Swap, and exchanged presents with Brian’s family.  His mom was finally finished with our wedding scrap book and it came out AMAZING! 

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She put in so much work, and it’s so incredible to have this book! (esp since we were slackers and are just now working on our album from the photographer hehe)   

On Christmas Eve, I dragged my butt out of my warm bed and headed to an 8AM Crossfit workout!

The 12 Days of Crossfit……pretty sure this is the closest I’ve come to puking from working out haha.  I say that in a good way ;)

Let’s see if I can remember this…

1 Ground to Overhead
2 Sumo deadlift high-pulls
3 Burpees
4 Pull- ups (I used a green band)
5 Abmat sit-ups
6 push-ups
7 air squats
8 jumping lunges
9 Box jumps
10 Wall Balls
11 kettlebell swings
12 thrusters

So basically it went like the song: 1 ground to overhead; 2 sumo dead lift high-pulls and 1 ground to over head,; 3 burpees, 2 sumo dead lift high-pulls and 1 ground to over head…until the end where we did 12 Thrusters…all the way down to the 1 ground to overhead.  This was intense…my time was 23:07 I think. 

I’m still fairly new to Crossfit, but so far LOVING it!! 

After Crossfit, and finishing wrapping my presents, we packed up and headed out for Christmas Eve at my aunts!  My family is hilarious and I love our big get-togethers. 

Brian and I stayed at my mom’s house on Christmas Eve and woke up to a delicious smelling breakfast.

Home fries

and Eggs Benedict!



My cousin even texted me pictures of his the eggs Benedict my aunt made because she wanted to know if it was “blog worthy” :)

What can I say? My family looooves their Eggs Benny!


Blogworthy?? I’d say so!!  Look at that nice table setting!!  Good Job Aunty Joan!  Looks delicious!

Oh almost forgot we also had sticky buns!IMG_2151

This was one filling, yet delectable, Christmas breakfast!  Thanks mom :)

Present time!

(Brian’s stellar wrapping job…he cut those green stars out of wrapping paper for decoration)

But you know what was under that wrapping….


Boo-ya!  Bridget’s new iPad!!!   He TOTALLY surprised me with this!!!  I mean I’ve been talking about wanting one for a while but never thought I’d get it for Christmas!!!! 

I made out quite well this year :)  Other notable items:  new Lululemon top, a new All-Clad sauce pan from mom, a coat, a bag…yeah I am one lucky girl! 

Bromley loved his new cow squeaky toy.

The feasting continued at my other aunts house on Christmas day…








Everything was amazing.

After dinner was dessert, then some intense rounds of Just Dance on my cousin’s Xbox Kinect!  FINALLY a video game I’m good at!!  Seriously…so fun, and you break a sweat. 

I didn’t stick around for the after party though, had to get home…mom and I were at the mall with one of my aunts and cousin at 7am :)  I know you think we’re crazy but we also got some crazy good deals! 

Well that about sums it up!  I hope your weekend was as good as mine!! 

I’m about to head to bed and forget that I have to work tomorrow.

What was the favorite part of your weekend??