Everything about this weather makes me happy (well except one thing...BUGS!!), I HATE BUGS!! That's the BIGGEST drawback to warm weather :(
Other than that I am in a great mood! We just had a nice little BBQ with my roomies Brother and his gf. We grilled all sorts of stuff, but I'll get to that in a sec.
It started waking up to warm sunshine on Saturday and I made Brian and myself some multi-grain pancakes! I LOVE this recipe...it's in the classic "Joy of Cooking" cookbook and its the 4-grain pancakes!

They are made with whole wheat flour, corn meal, oats, and a little all purpose flour. There is some honey in the recipe as well which makes them SO delicious, even just plain with nothing on them. I, however, am a Real Maple Syrup LOVER!! I can't get enough!!!
some of the finished product extras that went into the Freezer for another day.

Then we headed into Boston to enjoy our lovely city on a perfect day. We walked all the way down Newbury St, and eventually decided to dine "al fresco" at one of the trendy little restaurants on this street: Cafeteria Boston.

I ordered a perfect salad for a hot day: "Buffalo Mozzarella, Marinated Peppers, and arugula".

The city was jam packed with people, the atmosphere was so energetic!

This morning I got up early and got to cleaning the apartment. Studying always trumped cleaning so I was super excited to clean this place!
I had a pre-breakfast snack of an incredibly juicy pear!! Probably one of the best pears I've ever eaten

A little later I had a Chobani before Brian and I went out for a run at my favorite place: Castle Island in South Boston! Could of used some more of that ocean breeze but it was great to run after a week of not-so-much exercise last week. Plus I burnt 5o0 calories! Yay!
I was STARVING when we got back and so I made a quick little sandwich on Arnold's Double Protein Bread with American Cheese, sliced tomato, and sliced Avocado! The Avocado was perfect!! Mmmm!

I got a small with Passion Fruit and Chocolate-Strawberry....crazy delicious!

We had plans to grill so many things but didn't even get to them all.
Brian made some skewers with marinated steak tips and veggies.

I used:
- 1 package of lean ground turkey
- 1 package frozen spinach (drained)
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1/2 med red onion
- about 1/2 package (maybe less) Feta crumbles
- dried Oregano
- S&P
We also grilled asparagus, corn, broccoli and a few regular burgers! We were too full once the corn was done so I'm going to take it off its cob for a salad tomorrow.

It feels so great to be back to my non-studying life. Guess I better get back to wedding focus...next up I need to pick invitations!!! For someone who loves paper products as much as I do, I am not really looking forward to this part!